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Rochdale Business Awards

Jonathan and Jane represented Meadows Care and attended the Rochdale Business Award as guests of Rochdale Training Association (RTA). We’ll be working with RTA much more in the next year as they take over some of our training and we’re looking forward to other opportunities and partnership working going forward. Thanks to Jill Nagy for inviting us.

Other News

Being in touch with nature project

During lock down our young people at one of our homes have been busy keeping in touch with nature. They have purchased caterpillars and large African stick insects with the aim to r...read more
15th June 2020

Meadows Festival!!

Meadow’s 20th Birthday Festival: Best Night Ever!!!!!

We are proud to announce, the Ofsted Report has been published for Meadows School, and we are pleased to say that we have received a good rating in all areas!read more

24th November 2023