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Meadows Care is 20!

Meadows Care is 20!!!! From small beginning but big dreams, Meadows Care is now 20 years old. We celebrated on style with a surprise for Jane and Jonathan, meadows’ owners and company directors.

So many memories have been made along the way, staff teams have been developed and the journey for lots of young people has been amazing.

We are so proud of everyone at meadows, dedicated to building lives for young people and making such a difference.

Don’t forget our festival in June which will be the next big celebration. 🥳

Other News

Being in touch with nature project

During lock down our young people at one of our homes have been busy keeping in touch with nature. They have purchased caterpillars and large African stick insects with the aim to r...read more
15th June 2020

Meadows Birmingham Celebrations

The Meadows Care Birmingham team had a lovely afternoon get-together with fantastic food and drinks, to celebrate the end of the summer.