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Local Authority Feedback

Recent Feedback From a Local Authority for one of our Homes and manager: Renee Clarke.

“I have to say a huge thank you to Renee who has gone above and beyond to support ‘my young person’ and try to encourage him to make positive decisions, but was also mindful of ‘the young person’s’ thoughts wishes and feelings and was able to tune into ‘the young person’ and know his limitations.  The way in which Renee works with professionals and with young people is outstanding, exemplary, and very thorough and meticulous.  With Renee’s firm stance on what was the best plan for ‘the young person’ to move enabled a change in his care plan which means his care plan is better reflective of the reality of what we can work with rather than setting standards that could not be met.

I also have to note how helpful and extremely friendly, warm and supportive each member of staff I have spoken to from each home; Kirsty, Lara, Chanel….If I have forgotten people which I think I have then please pass on my thanks and appreciation.

Thanks again and keep up the fabulous work you do, it makes my job much brighter when speaking to such lovely friendly people 😊”

February 2021

Other News

Yorkshire Day

Aye Up-It’s Yorkshire Day.

August 1st was Yorkshire Day so Meadows Care wanted to treat o...read more

2nd August 2023

Happy Eid!

Our home at Rochdale road celebrates Eid!

The month of February is ‘Red Heart Month’ for the British Heart Foundation, raising awareness and raising money for lifesaving research.