Specialists in care, therapy and education… Building a future for young people

Specialists in care, therapy and education… Building a future for young people

Specialists in care, therapy and education… Building a future for young people

Specialists in care, therapy and education… Building a future for young people

Specialists in care, therapy and education… Building a future for young people

Who are Meadows?

Meadows Care looks after children and young people who cannot remain in their family homes and need specialised, therapeutic care. The care we provide is delivered in partnership with our young people, with their local authorities and with the community. We have an amazing staff team who care for our young people 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Staff are our best asset and we value their hard work, dedication to the young people and commitment to the company.
Meadows Care is owned by 3 Directors-Jonathan Rigg, Jane Toner and Niel Shelmerdine.

Our services

Building a Future for Young People

Residential Care

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Integrated Therapy Service

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Bespoke Education

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Meadows Care Ethos and Values

Our ethos is simple and has been informed directly by the views of our young people-we aim to provide safe, stable homes for our young people, with genuine, caring, attuned and compassionate staff who can create a family home.
Meadows Care is owned by 3 Directors who remain within the business; Jonathan is from a finance background, Jane is a Clinical Psychologist and Niel, now retired, is a social worker.
Our wider team has a wealth of experience and a range of qualifications which equip them to run and manage Meadows Care.
Our Operations and Placement management team have all developed and progressed through Meadows Care’s residential career pathway and provide high level leadership and support to all our very important registered managers, deputy managers, team leaders and to our residential staff who care for our young people on a day to day basis.